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Assessors Minutes 03/11/2014
Minutes of meeting held 03/11/2014

Meeting open at 7:00 P.M

Attendance: Christian Petersen, Diane Gregoire, Cynthia Poirier, and JoAnne Higgins.

Motion made by Diane Gregoire to accept and sign the minutes of the  meeting held February 25, 2014 Second by Christian Petersen Voted3-0.
Signatures; The Board reviewed and sign the following :
CORRECTED Monthly List of Real Estate Exemptions granted in December, Levy of 2014 $23,533.05
Monthly List of Real Estate and Personal Property Abatements granted in February, Levy of 2014 $2872.74
Monthly List of 2013 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Abatements granted in February $110.00
Monthly List of 2014 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Abatements granted in February $1,384.70

Discussion / Review:
  • FY2014 Real Estate Abatement applications were reviewed and accepted by the Board.
  • FY15 budget request and job descriptions. The Board asked Ms. Higgins to step out side the room to discuss the finalized job descriptions and FY15 budget.  Discussion ensued comparing the description of each position. A motion was made by Cynthia Poirier that the Board promote Ms. Higgins from Assistant to Principal Assessor and recommend the salary increase in line with the job description. Second by Diane Gregoire Voted 3-0.  Ms. Higgins was invited back to the meeting. Christian Petersen informed Ms. Higgins that the Board voted unanimously to promote her to Principal Assessor, as this was in the opinion of the Board, in line with the duties she performs. The Board asked Ms. Higgins to review the job description. Ms. Gregoire had some minor changes in wording and page layout. Ms. Higgins made the changes, reviewed the document and was happy to accept the position as described. The full job description will be forwarded to the Selectmens Office and Finance Committee.
  • The Board reviewed the 3ABC Forms, fillings of Exempt Organizations
  • The Board noted the changes to the Personal Property Forms of Lists

DOR response to 8 of 58 abatement request was noted.
Next scheduled meeting Tuesday March 25, 2014 7:00 P.M.  
Having no further business motion made by Christian Petersen to adjourn. Second by Diane Gregoire . Voted 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted- Cynthia Poirier, Assessor